Another term used for frequent urinating at night’s sleep is known as nocturia. It is completely different from bedwetting or enuresis, where an individual does not arouse from sleep, but the bladder empties anyway.
It should also be noted that Nocturia is one of the major cause of sleep loss, especially among the more matured or older ones. Majority of us who do not witness nocturia can sleep up to 6 to 8 hours without having to urinate.
A few researchers believe that urinating once every night during our sleep is within normal limits, that is, two or more of it every night may be related with daytime tiredness. Patients with serious nocturia may get up to 5 to 6 times during the night to go the bathroom.
Nocturia is usually a sign of other medical conditions which includes urological infection, a tumor of the bladder prostate, that is, a condition known as bladder prolapse or disorders affecting sphincter control.
Nocturia is also common in people with liver failure, heart failure, diabetes insipidus, or poorly regulated diabetes mellitus. In addition, people who are pregnant or diabetic are associated with nocturia.
It was recently found by researchers that nocturia is also a symptom of sleep apnea, which was earlier thought to be caused by a full bladder.
Supposing that you have followed this article well enough, you will notice that nocturia becomes more common as we get older. Well, as we age, our bodies produce less of an anti diuretic hormone that makes us to retain fluid. With reduced concentrations of this hormone, we produce more urine especially when we sleep at night.
Another good reason for nocturia among the aged ones is that the bladder tends to lose holding capacity as they get older. In conclusion, aged people are more likely to witness various medical issues that probably have an effect on the bladder.
As a matter of fact, two – thirds (65 percent) of people responding to National Sleep Foundation(NSF) in the United States poll of adults between the ages of 55 and 84 reported this disturbance at least a few nights every week.
You probably just be consuming too much of fluids especially close to bedtime. Consume less several hours before you go to sleep. Do not take alcohol or caffeine late in the day. And be sure to use the bathroom before going to sleep.
As you get older, the likelier you are to need to urinate at night. In addition, when you are older you are likelier to have other health issues that make you need to urinate overnight. Also, your gender can play a role, too;
- MEN: An enlarged prostate is common when you get older. It often is not severe. But it can keep you from emptying your bladder.
- WOMEN: After menopause, you make less estrogen. That can result to changes in the urinary tract that enable you have to go more often. Supposing that you have had kids, the muscles in our pelvis may be weaker, too.
Some of the medicines we take pull fluid out of your system and make you urinate more. Discuss with your doctor supposing that any of your meds do this. You probably solve the issue by taking them earlier in the day, or the doctor probably be able to change your medication.
Frequent nightmare urination or Nocturia may happen occasionally or every night. Signs and symptoms of frequent urination during night sleep include excessive urination (need to urinate excess fluid), frequent urination (too many visits to the bathroom for different reasons), urinary urgency (need to urinate a few occasions without much result), or less urine.
Nocturia may lead to a person’s normal ‘body clock’ allows for daytime urination pattern to happen during night’s sleep. In some situations, frequent urination may simply be the result of consuming too many fluids, particularly caffeine, before to going to sleep in the night.
Supposing that you are experiencing nocturia, visit your doctor or any physician as soon as possible and follow his or her recommended therapy. It probably be helpful to keep a diary of times and amounts of urine voided to bring with you to the physician or the doctor.
In addition, provide a record of your sleep habits as well as any daytime fatigue you are probably going through. After initial evaluation from your doctor or physician, he or she may prescribe medications, diagnostic testing such as urinalysis, cystometry, that is, a measurement of the pressure within the bladder, neurological tests, that is, for some urgency issues or ultrasound, and finally, refer you to a sleep centre for testing.
Supposing that you believe you are experiencing or suffering from frequent urination during your night’ sleep, these tips listed below as follows might be of help;
- Consume your normal amount of fluids but do so earlier in the day.
- Reduce the amount of fluids or drinks in the last 2 hours before you go sleep at night, especially alcohol, coffee or tea as they all stimulate urine production.
- Keep a diary of how much you drink, what you drink, and when you drink. Doing this may help in identifying situations which probably make the nocturia worse.
In conclusion, while there is little or scientific research and no evidence of their effectiveness, some individuals believe that homeopathic medicines, hypnosis or acupuncture may bring a lot of benefits. But be certain to seek advice from a trained practitioner.