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Finding Calm: How Weighted Blankets Ease Anxiety


Have you considered using a weighted blanket for anxiety? Few things are more soothing than curling up in a cozy blanket after a long day. Heavier options offer more comfort, and they may even be beneficial for your health.

 Weighted blankets come in various weights, shapes, colors, and sizes. They’re available in different materials to accommodate textural preferences.

 Many people use weighted blankets for their calming effects. They’re great for anxiety relief, too. The effectiveness of these covers mainly comes in the form of “pressure therapy”. Get the most important information about using weighted blankets for maximum health benefits.

How a weighted blanket helps relieve anxiety

A weighted blanket works similarly to deep pressure stimulation (DPS). Its effectiveness depends on how the body responds physiologically to sensory information. 

Your response to a weighted blanket comes from the autonomic nervous system (ANS). There are various systems that make up the ANS:

  • The parasympathetic system
  • The sympathetic system
  • The enteric (gut) system

The first two systems are most impacted when using a weighted blanket for anxiety. The parasympathetic system regulates the body’s involuntary functions, including blood pressure and heart rate.

DPS helps regulate these functions by slowing down certain high-energy functions in the body.

Deep pressure stimulation also affects the sympathetic system. This part of the ANS gets activated during stressful situations. Many people refer to it as the “fight or flight” response. DPS helps reduce this sympathetic activity. It can also help lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

DPS has a calming effect on these bodily systems. It also increases endorphin levels and helps release serotonin and dopamine. These hormones are associated with positive feelings.

Changes to the ANS are essential for anxiety reduction. Weighted blankets are a safe way to achieve this and may have positive effects on the body.

Here are some other scientific strategies for coping with anxiety:

  • Behavioral therapy
  • Meditation and mindfulness practices
  • Deep breathing
  • Exercise
  • Spiritual practices
  • Thought reframing

Most of these strategies help manage and lower cortisol levels naturally. Using a weighted blanket for anxiety is similar. The heaviness applies firm yet gentle pressure to your body, allowing your nervous system to relax.

Benefits of anxiety management

Weighted blankets have gained traction for anxiety management. Their benefits are diverse and help with some of the major anxiety symptoms, too. These include:

  • Restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Tense emotions

One study in Sweden discovered that patients with insomnia found it easier to fall asleep. Individuals who used a light blanket didn’t report any noticeable changes.

Another study in Sweden suggested a potential link between weighted blankets and melatonin production. The hormone melatonin plays a crucial role in the sleep-wake cycle. Your brain usually produces it in response to darkness.

The research was done over two days. It showed an increase in melatonin production in people using a weighted blanket. The evidence is anecdotal, but it suggests an interesting advantage of these heavier bed covers.

These studies support that weighted blankets for anxiety may also help other conditions.

Some people find weighted blankets instill a sense of calm and improve mood. By examining the effects of DPS on the nervous system, we can understand why these effects occur.

Deep pressure stimulation may induce calm and pleasant emotions in two ways:

  • Reducing cortisol production levels in the body
  • Stimulating the release of endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine

    As a result, you feel more relaxed and less stressed. You’re also likely to feel well rested after sleeping, which contributes to a more positive mood.

    Choosing the right weighted blanket

    When selecting any bedding, comfort is a priority. The same applies to choosing a weighted blanket for anxiety. There are various options to suit a multitude of preferences. Selecting the right weighted bed cover requires careful consideration.

    Some factors to look at include:

    • Weight selection 
    • Comfort level
    • Blanket size
    • Material and filling options

          Unlike traditional bed covers that fit the bed, weighted blankets should fit your body. They should only cover the top of the bed and not hang over the sides.

          When used correctly, weighted covers are safe. The general rule is it should be 10% of the user’s body weight

          You also need to consider who the blanket is for. Single adults only need to think about one person’s weight and comfort level. It gets a bit more challenging when the blanket is for a couple.

          Blankets for a couple need to factor in the height and weight of both partners. If one person weighs more than the other, the blanket could end up being too heavy for one partner, or too light for the other person.

          The height of each partner also matters. A weighted blanket for anxiety should cover your body, but not hang over the edge of the bed. If one person is taller than the other, it may be hard to find the ideal option.

          Weighted blankets for children also require some thought. It’s not advisable to get them for infants or children under the age of two. Consult a doctor before purchasing a weighted blanket for children between the ages of 2–5.

          Weighted blankets have different fillings that influence the comfort level of the blanket. Each option has various advantages and drawbacks. Here are the main characteristics of each one:


          Micro glass beads

          Steel shot beads



          River stones and pebbles

          Plastic poly pellets


          Miniscule glass fillers that resemble white sand crystals.

          Larger and heavier than micro glass beads.

          Inexpensive craft sand.

          Contain rice, beans, or barley.

          Contain small stones and pebbles.

          Pellets made from 100% polypropylene, a safe plastic.


          Glass fillers don’t clump and are durable, odorless, and hypoallergenic. They’re also machine washable, dry cleaner safe, and more eco-friendly than plastic.

          These beads are durable and less likely to leak through the stitches. They’re also washing machine safe.

          Sand is affordable and easily available.

          Contain organic materials and are readily available.

          A budget-friendly option

          These pellets are cost-effective, non-toxic, and easily available. They’re also long-lasting and washable.


          Costly, may move around easily, and the weight distribution could become uneven. The tiny beads may also leak through the stitches after a while.

          The beads are noisier and may feel lumpy against the skin.

          Sand can get clumpy, and there may also be uneven weight distribution.

          Organic items are not as durable and attract mold. They may also develop an odor.

          The irregular shape may cause discomfort and uneven weight distribution.

          Plastic is not eco-friendly. The texture can feel abrasive, and it may also clump.

          User testimonials and case studies

          Some people are fortunate enough to fall asleep in less than a minute. Others may find falling asleep a bit more challenging. Weighted blankets may have a role in easing this problem. 

          Weighted blankets for anxiety have plenty of positive user testimonials that advocate for their usage. One happy customer is Suzannah Weiss, who tried a weighted blanket to help with insomnia.

          One of her biggest insomnia triggers was pre-bedtime anxiety. She lay awake for hours with her mind flooded with worrying thoughts. The inability to fall asleep promptly inspired her to try a weighted blanket.

          She ordered one that was 10% of her weight. Initially, she didn’t think it would be comfortable. On her first night of usage, she fell asleep much easier. After that, she still struggled with a few restless nights, but her overall ability to fall asleep improved.

           She found her mindset before bed changing. Initially, her thought patterns were anxiety-inducing. After using the blanket, her focus was more on how comfortable she was. The mental shift contributed to her getting a more restful sleep.

          Potential side effects and precautions

          There are many benefits to using a weighted blanket for anxiety. However, it’s essential to use it properly.

          • Pick up on discomfort: If it doesn’t feel right, then it’s going to be challenging to get a restful sleep. There’s also the risk of overheating, which is more common in people who have trouble regulating their temperature. Make sure you test out different products and read customer reviews before committing.
          • Get medical advice first: Children and older people should seek medical advice before using a weighted blanket. Individuals with pre-existing conditions like asthma, sleep apnea, diabetes, or claustrophobia should also consult a healthcare professional first.

          It’s not advisable for people who can’t lift the blanket themselves to use it. To minimize any risks, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and usage guidelines.

          Integrating a weighted blanket into your daily routine

          Getting into a new habit can be tricky. Start by integrating your weighted blanket into your current bedtime routine. You can also have it handy when doing pre-bedtime relaxation techniques.

          Here are a few more tips on how to incorporate it into your daily routine:

          • Keep it at the edge of your bed for easy access when you’re ready to sleep.
          • Make sure the weight is dispersed evenly over your body for maximum comfort.
          • Introduce the use of the blanket during times of relaxation to help the brain associate it with downtime.
          • Be consistent. Frequent use will make it become a habit.

          You can also make this blanket part of your daily life in other ways. Apart from offering positive social experiences due to better sleep, it’s also fantastic for meditation and helping instill calm. Some people also use it when they want to relax with a book or movie.

          Take a load off with a weighted blanket

          Using a weighted blanket for anxiety is a great way to get the proper rest you need. Its benefits extend beyond keeping you calm. It also helps reduce cortisol production and promotes the release of feel-good hormones.

          When you cover yourself with a weighted blanket, the effects mimic that deep pressure stimulation. It feels like a therapeutic hug that lulls you into a peaceful slumber. This advantage also makes it popular for people with insomnia.

          A weighted blanket isn’t limited to sleeping. Many people use it when they feel anxious, during meditation, and when they want to relax.

          Now that you know more about the benefits, why not get your own weighted blanket? Buying weighted blankets online has never been easier with Sleepgram. Check out our available selection and experience a more peaceful sleep today.