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Home  / How a Real 100% Silk Pillowcase Reduced My Blemishes and Improved My Complexion

How a Real 100% Silk Pillowcase Reduced My Blemishes and Improved My Complexion

Benefit of using a silk pillowcase for acne


If you struggle with acne-prone skin, you’ve likely tried everything - from changing your face wash to cutting out dairy - it may have given you some relief, but if your acne is persistent, you’re probably left thinking ‘what else is left for me to do?!’. It’s good you asked. Silk pillowcases have become a must-have wellness product, not because they look amazing in your bedroom (that too) but mainly because of their notable benefits for skin health - and who doesn’t want glowy, radiant, flawless skin?


In this article we’re going to cover all the benefits of using a silk pillowcase to prevent acne and improve the quality and texture of your skin. Get ready for some major revelations.


What causes acne?


Acne. The most common skin condition globally, affecting an estimated 50 million individuals in the US today. Acne is often associated with adolescence, however it can affect individuals of all ages. Acne can be caused for a variety of reasons, most commonly due to:

  • Hormonal fluctuations
  • Bacterial build up
  • Excess oil production
  • Clogged hair follicles by oil and dead skin cells
  • Irritation from external stressors, like pollution, harsh chemicals or over-exfoliation


That being said, the true reason as to why certain people get acne more than others is still largely up for debate. Some people have more sensitive skin and can be genetically prone to outbreaks, often exacerbated by their diets, lifestyle habits and stress levels.


In terms of your lifestyle, your susceptibility to develop acne can be because of certain habits that irritate or inflame your skin. For example:

  • Using harsh chemicals in your beauty products
  • Touching your face
  • Not washing your hair post-workout
  • Smoking
  • Sleeping with makeup on
  • Stress
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Not washing your pillowcase


You could have guessed most of them right, but washing your pillowcase? Did you know that it was so closely connected to your skin health? Possibly not. Let’s dig into that a little deeper.


Why does your pillowcase matter?


First and foremost, why does your pillowcase even matter? If you’re totally new to this topic, it may have caught you off guard; you didn’t know there was even a link between your pillow and your skin! We’ve been there. So for all you newbies, here’s a little science behind the importance of your sleeping set up.


Humans spend an estimated one third of their lives asleep. Sleep is an essential part of our life and vitality, without enough of it, you’re unable to function properly. That doesn’t just mean you’ll be tired throughout the day, it means your skin cells can’t efficiently regenerate, you’ll be unable to flush out toxins, your blood pressure increases, cognitive function decreases, your skin gets dry and dehydrated, cortisol (stress) levels rise and a range of other unfavorable things. In short: sleep matters, so you better get comfy while doing it.


In terms of sleep comfort, what you sleep on and with is vital. Ever woken up with a bad neck? Your pillow might be too soft. Ever wake up with breakouts along one side of your face? The side of your face that you sleep on? You can probably tell where we’re going with this.

Why your pillowcase might be causing your acne


So now you know that for one third of your life, your skin is touching your pillowcase. It makes it pretty clear as to why the quality and cleanliness of your pillowcase is important. This is for two main reasons:


  1. Bacteria build up

A study found that unwashed pillowcases had up to 39 times more bacteria than pet-food bowls and several thousand times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Another study conducted by the University of Manchester found that a typical pillow has 16 different species of fungus and - we quote - “literally millions” of fungal spores. Ewww.


Imagine rubbing your face on a toilet seat for a third of your life and then wondering why you get acne? It all makes sense…


  1. Rough material

Your pillowcase may feel fairly soft, but at a micro level, fabrics like cotton, flannel and linen can be rough and abrasive against your delicate skin. If you sleep on your side or on your stomach, like the majority of the population, the rough fibers of your pillowcase may be irritating your skin and causing hair breakage. Plus, these fabrics are highly absorbent, meaning any oil or sweat from your face or hair will be absorbed deeply into the fibers of the pillowcase and become difficult to fully remove.


While sleep is essential for good health, your sleeping environment may be at the root of all your skin troubles, starting with your pillowcase. So what can you do about it?


The benefits of using a silk pillowcase for acne


Silk pillowcases have become increasingly popular recently as they are linked to better skin health and can be a solution for acne sufferers. You may have wondered whether silk pillowcases are worth it, so for all you skeptics - here are 5 benefits of using a silk pillowcase for your skin.


  1. Prevent wrinkles

The rough fibers in cotton pillowcases can cause micro-indents in our skin that become wrinkles the older we get. A silk pillowcase has a smooth surface that doesn’t cause any notable friction against your skin.


  1. Retain skin hydration

As mentioned, cotton pillowcases are highly absorbent, which means that they naturally draw out and absorb moisture from your skin. This can cause skin drying which can lead to excess oil being produced to overcompensate the dryness, leading to acne, dehydrated and dull skin.


  1. Prevent sweating

Silk is a natural temperature-regulating material as it acts as a permeable barrier between the skin and the air, to encourage efficient thermoregulation. What this means is that if you’re a hot sleeper, a silk pillowcase will prevent sweating which in turn, prevents the spread of bacteria.


  1. Keep your hair in place

Silk pillowcases are softer, meaning that your hair is less likely to frizz and spread bacteria around your pillow. If you have acne - tie your hair up and use a silk pillowcase!


  1. Reduces bacteria build up

As per a pilot study, silk pillowcases are naturally antimicrobial, preventing bacterial build up spreading from the pillowcase to the skin and visa versa. As bacteria is at the root of acne, this benefit is major.


You spend a third of your life asleep. Why spend it rubbed up against a rough, abrasive, bacteria-absorbing pillowcase? When you could choose silk? Invest in a silk pillowcase today and reap the benefits for glowing, radiant, flawless skin.